Daniel Ebner, May – There are a lot of feelings that happen when you shoot archery. Something that I think is so great is that when I think of all…

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Daniel Ebner, May – There are a lot of feelings that happen when you shoot archery. Something that I think is so great is that when I think of all…
Anagail Hamby, May – Every sport has unspoken rules. Some are for courtesy, or tradition or even for your own good. The one I speak of today, is for your…
Lydia Windell, May – Examining the National Archery in the Schools Program’s rules, there is no clear rule stating archers cannot talk to each other on the line. The only…
Emma Hickerson, April – When I say archery has given me everything, I do not say that lightly. Throughout the 9 years I’ve shot NASP® archery I have made so…
Alayna Musson, April -Some people, including myself, get nervous before and during tournaments. Especially the bigger ones like the State and National tournaments. There are some ways that you can…
Robert Hamilton II, April – My bow has been in and out of my mom’s car every day for the past two years. But when we decided to fly to…
Letisia Carranza, April – I encourage others to try archery at least once. But I really recommend that you try it for a year or two, and then during summer…
Jenna Wickersheim, April – Looking back at my nine years of archery, it is really amazing to realize how much this sport shaped me as a growing child. Archery has…
Mack Shaffer, April – Archery is a multi-step process, and each step tends to have a designated posture or position, especially when an archer is first being taught how to…
Jillian McClanahan, April – Your first competition can be scary! I know mine certainly was. For me, I was mostly afraid of the unknown. I knew I was going to…
Savannah Tovar, April – Do you ever tend to see trends in your scores? Some student’s scores consistently go up a few points fromweek to week, other trend downwards, and…
Brooklyn Johnson, April – Have you ever been tired of doing something over and over again? Sometimes, when we do the same things day after day, we can start to…
Anagail Hamby, April – Consistent thought processes can be everything to an archer. You can have the best form possible but still fall short of your goals if you cannot…
Madi Rhinevault, April – Have you checked your boxes? Both literally and metaphorically? While shooting for NASP, there are many rules tofollow to ensure the sport’s overall efficiency. But, archery…
Chase McBroom, April – We want to avoid shooting damaged arrows. Shooting a damaged arrow can also hurt you, the people around you, or damage your bow. Is a six-dollar…
Anna C. April – When you first start shooting, I think one of the best drills to start out with is to flip your target around to the blank side,…
Reagan Trent, April – In my last article, I talked about how to get yourself ready to shoot. Now we are going to talk about how to get your equipment…
Anna Rare, April – Should we have archery in PE classes? If you ask me, absolutely! I am not going to lie, I have never been a very athletic person…
Madison Evans, April – Recently, after my tournament flight ended, I saw my parents using the NASP Portal. I just had to learn more so I tried it for myself….
Lydia Windell, April – Oftentimes at tournaments, I see archers either going back to the parents to tell them their score or holding up fingers for their score. I do…
Jillian McClanahan, March – Every team has their own games and rituals that they play and do. It’s a fun way to get the jitters out and keep the younger…
Robert Hamilton II, March – A fellow NASP® student contributor called archery good stress. And she was right, archery is stressful. It’s a team sport. You are with friends. But…
Madi Rhinevault, March – “Kids don’t quit sports, they quit coaches.” This is a quote from my coach and I’ve found it to be truthful, especially in archery. To coach…
Anagail Hamby, March – Waiting for your flight is stressful. It gets you amped up, nervous, and sometimes even shaky. When you’re stressed you overthink and your shot degrades. While…
Anna C. March – When someone asks me what goes through my mind when I’m shooting, they are going to get a long answer. For me, I hyper focus on…
Jenna Wickersheim, March – When I first started archery, I would hit my arm every once in a while, but I mostly ignored it. During my fourth grade season, my…
Letisia Carranza, March – 11/16/2018 was the first tournament for him. Excited to shoot, whistle blows two times, he grabs his bow and walks to the shooting line places the…
Brooklyn Johnson, March – Have you ever faced an obstacle in archery? Meet Jackson Chopra. Jackson is a senior archer at Carl Junction High School. However, it hasn’t been very…
Savannah Tovar, March-Before every tournament, my team huddles up. Together, we always remind ourselves to do what we know and to have fun. Whether it is a bullseye tournament or…
My introduction to archery began with the National Archery in the Schools Program. NASP® granted me my start in competitive archery. I quickly fell in love with the mental aspects…
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