Hello, my name is Rober Hamilton II. I live in Monroe, Virginia, and I am a sixth grader at Amherst Middle School.
My archery career began about 5 years ago when I got a Genesis bow at a local archery shop, Amherst Arms & Supply. The owner of the store coached the archery team at my elementary school, Elon Elementary School. He wanted me to start practicing, so I could be part of the team when I was old enough. I practiced and practiced and practiced. Then, COVID hit, and there was no team.
Luckily, last year(my 5th grade year), Elon Elementary had a team. I made the team and was also made the co-captain of the team. Our team won regionals and states here in Virginia in Bullseye. Our team had never shot 3D, but placed second overall for elementary schools in states as well. While at Eastern Nationals in Louisville, I shot the inaugural IBO Worlds qualifier and qualified to shoot at the IBO World Championship in August 2024 in West Virginia.
My team made their way to Nationals and the Open in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. At each event, we participated in Bullseye and 3D. My first archery season did not end until August 2023, shooting on the IBO Worlds course. Shooting in the woods with a group of boys who I had never met was so much fun.
I am now a member of the Amherst Middle School archery team. I won a local bullseye tournament before Christmas. Our team placed second in the Central Virginia Regional this weekend. My goal for this year is to make it back to West Virginia for IBO Worlds.