Equipment Ordering
Who and How
NASP® sells archery equipment directly to schools, government agencies, and non profit organizations. The equipment MUST stay property of the organization and can’t be sold to/bought for individuals with the organization. Individuals who wish to buy this equipment should go to their local archery dealer to purchase these items.
I am ordering equipment for a

May be placed via:
Fax: 920-523-6042
Mail: NASP®, Inc., W4285 Lake Drive, Waldo, WI 53093
All items are drop shipped directly from the manufacturers and everything will arrive in 3-4 weeks.

Public Schools and Government Agencies
Please note: All public schools and government agencies ordering arrows MUST complete the Federal Excise Tax Exemption Form (FET). This is NOT THE SAME as sales tax exemption. Federal Excise Tax is charged to the arrow manufacturer, but they receive a credit when the arrows are ultimately sold to a public school or government agency. Your price reflects this credit, so we are required to obtain the FET Form prior to processing your order. This form is good for 3 years. We thank you very much for your cooperation, which ultimately allows us to charge you a lower price!
- Public School/Government Order Form
- Federal Excise Tax (FET) Form
- Arrow Parts Order Form
- Bow Parts Order Form
- Mini, Parts, Scorecard, Paper Face Order Form
- Target Replacement/3D/Paper Face/Bowcase Order Form
- Academic Archer Patch/Decal Order Form
- BAI/Scorecard Order Form

Private Schools and Non-Profit Organizations
The only difference is the price of the arrows.
Please provide proof of non-profit status as well as your sales tax exempt document. Those organizations in KY, MD, OH, and WI will have sales tax charged if we do not receive this document.
- Private School/Non-Profit Order Form
- Arrow Parts Order Form
- Bow Parts Order Form
- Mini, Parts, Scorecard, Paper Face Order Form
- Target Replacement/3D/Paper Face/Bowcase Order Form
- Academic Archer Patch/Decal Order Form
- BAI/Scorecard Order Form
Order forms specific to schools and non-profit organizations in Canada. The prices on the order form include shipping to the lower 48 states. If you wish to ship directly into Canada, we will need to calculate additional shipping prior to processing the order. You are responsible to pay the duties and taxes to get the items into Canada.
Procedure to place an order:
- Please return via email, mail, or fax the order form showing what items you want to order and the shipping address.
- We will gather the additional shipping costs and get back to you.
- If you wish to order, please provide your broker name, contact, address, phone number, and account number. If you do not have a broker, please provide a contact name and phone number who we can put down if they have issues getting the items into Canada