My name is Chase McBroom and I am a ninth grader at Old Bethel Christian Academy in Clarks, Louisiana. I have shot with NASP® since the sixth grade when I transferred to this school. We are a tiny school out in the middle of a cow pasture, so I’m honored to share my experiences of archery with you. I am also a member of NFAA/LFAA, S3DA, Caldwell Parish 4H shooting sports, ASA and USAA.
I started my archery journey with 4H shooting sports in the fourth grade. Once I started seeing archery competitions posted online, I realized the archery world was much bigger. In the late summer/fall of 2020 was a big year for me as archery ranges were sparce and I could learn different styles of competitions. I won the Louisiana and Mississippi state titles for ASA. Then in 2021, I took home the 3D and Fita Louisiana state titles in 4H and even qualified with my genesis bow for state. Since then, my scores have been sometimes high and sometimes really low. I see a steady climb of progress which is a positive in my mind. So, remember, keep climbing! Never stop.

Archery has allowed me to meet friends from all over the nation. I have shot in Las Vegas, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Alabama and even the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Winning is always fun but these lifelong friends and experiences I’m having are even better. I have met some archers who are dead set on shooting a 300 and feel so let down when it doesn’t happen. Don’t be so hard on yourself, take it one arrow at a time. There are even pros who aren’t able to shoot 300s every time.

In 2021, even though all JOAD (Junior Olympic Archery Development) groups are far away from me (2 hours one way), we joined one. I learned the more technical side of archery. Learning what archery shooting steps are and how to use a string bow. I’m currently a member of Texas Archery out of Spring, Texas and made the RED (Regional Elite Development) team representing Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
My goal for the 2023-2024 NASP season is to find a consistent way to shoot my genesis bow, even though the draw length is way too short for me, in order to maintain control over my shot process. I strive every competition to improve my personal best and never give up.