Anna Rare, April – Should we have archery in PE classes? If you ask me, absolutely! I am not going to lie, I have never been a very athletic person so PE class was always dreadful. Archery is a sport that can be something different for kids who aren’t physically athletic and make going to PE exciting again. It also can teach you so many things, such as safety and listening to commands. Especially with a younger demographic of kids, these things can be a very useful skill to learn.
With my archery program, it has given kids who normally wouldn’t ever get involved in something a place where they feel they belong. I am sure that there are kids out there who may have an interest in archery, but maybe they are just scared to give it a try. And you know what, that is totally ok! Trying new things can be scary, that is why adding archery to the PE curriculum can be very beneficial. Kids could try it and realize that they absolutely love it.
I am a big advocate for all shooting sports, and I have been for many years. I love being able to see people excel in a sport that maybe they never thought they could do. The best way that I can describe my schools archery team is like the movie the breakfast club. It is a mix of kids from all walks of life, but they come together to form amazing friendships and a strong team.