June 13, 2023
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina hosted the final 2023 national-level tournament for the National Archery in the Schools Program. The combined Championship events included 3,838 archers from 36 states competing in the Open Championship Bullseye and 3D Tournaments held June 8-10th.
NASP® President Tommy Floyd said, “We are thrilled to be back at the beach! This location continues to be a great event for our archers and their families. We are very grateful for the tremendous support provided by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources leadership and staff as they really got behind this event! We continued our awarding of $500 scholarships to (20) randomly selected bullseye archers throughout the 3-day competition. This brought our random give-away scholarship total to (120) $500 awards over the course of our three national tournaments or $60,000 total! We believe this to be a tremendous benefit and incentive for the individual winners and their future. NASP® is very grateful to its many Medal-level and Partner-level sponsors who continue to help make these scholarships possible for so many.”
Open Championship Bullseye Results can be found at: https://nasptournaments.org/TournamentDetail.aspx?tid=10490
Ryan Bass, NASP® IBO 3D Director said, “We are extremely optimistic about the continued growth of the NASP® IBO 3D Challenge! We are thrilled to be back in South Carolina and are extremely grateful for the South Carolina DNR staff and leadership for their continued support for this event. We continue to be grateful to the many archers and their families who support the IBO 3D Challenge.”
Open Championship 3D Results can be found at: https://nasptournaments.org/TournamentDetail.aspx?tid=10491
At the beginning of the Open Championship awards ceremony, a scholarship shoot-off was held among the top overall male and female individual bullseye archers. These archers were selected based on the combined results of the Western and Eastern National Tournaments. The winners of each gender division took home the following scholarship money – 1st place $5,000, 2nd place $4000, 3rd place $3000, 4th place $2000, and 5th place $1000. All shoot-off qualifiers were guaranteed a $1000 award. Results from the 2023 NASP® College Scholarship Shoot-off can be found at: https://www.naspschools.org/download/scholarship-shoot-off-results/?wpdmdl=13182
For more information on NASP®, please visit: https://www.naspschools.org/
Or contact Tommy Floyd Ed.D. via email at tommy.floyd@naspschools.org