Rineyville Baptist Church recently had instructors trained as Basic Archery Instructors for the National Archery in the Schools. As part of our church’s Centershot program, we offered North Hardin Christian School students an opportunity to participate in our Centershot program. Our instructors just recently became basic archery instructors through the NASP® training. Our instructors were recently trained by the Kentucky NASP® region 3/5 coordinator, Christie Zimmer and her husband. We were really excited about the opportunity to present archery to these students.
Lily, a student at North Hardin Christian School, has a short right arm and limited use of a partial hand. She told her mother that she wanted to participate in our archery program. Her mother was convinced that Lily should try, and her father agreed. We immediately got advice from our regional coordinator. Christie told me to contact another area instructor, David Carrico, who had, in the past, a student with a partial right arm that was part of their archery team. David helped us make a mouthpiece for Lily to draw the bow back.
Lily and I worked together one-on-one prior to the other students arriving during the very first archery session. She was a natural and extremely excited. She was shooting better than most other students. You can tell from her smile that she was enjoying archery.
I sent Christie a video her mother made of her hitting the bullseye. It made Christie’s day. She was happy for all of us. It certainly made our team feel good about taking the training to be instructors.