Unlike many programs, once certified, the trained adult needs only to continue to use their skills and fill out a brief, on-line activity report to retain their certification. We don’t require dues, periodic registration fees, or make you start over with training to remain credentialed. We believe, once trained, practice makes and maintains competence. To date in 2019, 627 adults have been certified.
We have to hear from you. The 2018-2019 school year annual reporting period opened on 11/1/18. We want all BAIs to report no later than the end of May 2019. We will begin sending reminders in early March. Once you report, the reminders will stop for the BAI. A typical reminder will look like this. All mass emails from NASP® come from an email address of noreply@naspschools.org with a display name of “NASP®”. It looks like this “NASP®” noreply@naspschools.org. All BAIs should whitelist this email address to prevent it from going to the junk or spam folder.