Step 1: Seek leadership or administration support & approval.
We have found the most beneficial NASP® programs start with the full support of the school administration.
Your interest in bringing NASP® to a new school can aid in improving educational performance amongst students by introducing life lessons required to be successful in the classroom and in life. We believe NASP® is especially attractive to previously underserved student populations. The school principal’s familiarity with staff may be key to identifying the “ideal” educator to run the required in-school program.
Each school and district has their own requirements for introducing new curriculum.
You may need to gain approval from:
- School Principal
- School Board
- Superintendent
- Curriculum Coordinator
Resources to share:
Student Survey
The impact that NASP® is having with respect to introducing students to the outdoors and outdoor recreation, the potential impact that NASP® represents for the archery industry, and the potential that NASP® serves in motivating students to perform better academically.
Adaptive Archery
These few examples may provide discussion starters in communities wherever educators, coaches and parents want to work together to find mechanical solutions to a specific individual challenge faced by an interested student.
NASP® is primarily an in-school program for grades 4-12.
Since 2002, NASP® has had more than 19 million students go through the program without a serious safety incident.
The Archery Trade Association had produced a document on the safety of archery that can be reviewed at: