Hello! My name is Payton Bellings and I am very excited to be one of this year’s student contributors! I am hoping that I can teach and inform people about everything archery-related! I am currently a senior at Bellevue High School in Bellevue, Iowa and this is my ninth year in archery.
I have experience shooting at the state level 7 times (one being virtual), at Nationals 3 times (one being virtual), and at Worlds 1 time.

Along with NASP®, I shoot my Elite Rezult in the bowhunter division when I can. I have plans to continue shooting in college at a school that I have not decided yet.
My goals this year for the NASP® season are to continue growing and to bring my scores up more and more. My high score is currently a 293, so it is difficult to bring points up right now. Ideally my biggest goal is to shoot a 300, but that may just be wishful thinking.
I look forward to this season and to writing some great articles!
-Payton Bellings is a 2023 student contributor-