Letisia Carranza, April – I encourage others to try archery at least once. But I really recommend that you try it for a year or two, and then during summer break reflect on if you enjoyed it or not. I know archery isn’t for everyone since some people don’t have that kind of money or just don’t have a ride or something to get them there. I like to tell other students that they don’t need their own bow, they can use the bows the school funded for archery.
But some schools don’t fund for that and some schools are in need of bows. They can look into starting a NASP® program here: https://www.naspschools.org/bring-nasp-to-your-school/ and their school can even qualify for grants towards school equipment.
If you plan to go to college, archery is one way to get a scholarship. Like NASP®®, the NFAA Foundation awards over $50,000 in scholarships each year to junior archers who participate in NFAA and NFAA Foundation tournaments.
I do encourage people to try it for a year or two. I mean you never know if you have such passion for archery or if you’re good at it until you try it. You’re lucky if your parents allow you because not all kids get that opportunity to try. I want you to join for yourself not for anyone, just yourself, let archery be a way to escape from reality, and to have passion for the sport. Archery has benefits like hand and eye coordination, mental acuity, strength, and endurance which is also good for your body and mind. Archery also teaches you how to focus and keep calm in high-pressure situations.
In conclusion, I really hope this wants you to do or try archery out for chance and who knows? Maybe, you’ll be going to state or nationals or even worldwide archery. You don’t know until you try. You can set goals and if you struggle with pressure, try archery and see if you improve. Most importantly let archery be an area where you can escape from reality and have passion for archery, and join archery for yourself not for parents or friends just join when you believe your ready to give archery a chance. Make sure you try it out for a year or two and see if you enjoy it or not.