Do you know any archers who are interested in becoming a certified coach?
Throughout my childhood, archery is one thing that has stayed consistent. I have always dreaded my last season of competition and having to move on from this sport. I had always thought about becoming a coach for NASP® but I wasn’t sure how serious I felt about it. At the beginning of February this year, a week before my birthday, one of my coaches informed me there was a hybrid online and in-person training to become a certified BAI instructor coming up at the end of the month. I jumped on this opportunity as soon as I turned 18. Through this experience, I found out you can not sign up for BAI instructor classes if you’re not 18 yet and until after graduation, even if you will turn 18 before the class.
Both of my parents have gotten certified in the past, so I went to them to feel more prepared for my class. For them, it was about an 8-hour endeavor, with other people across Wisconsin waiting to become certified. My experience was similar but not all too different because I completed hours worth of content online. After I registered, I was sent an e-mail with a link of videos and tests I had to take online before my in-person portion of the class. I re-watched these videos heavily the days before my in-person portion even though I knew most of the content already, having been in this sport for most of my life.
The actual in-person portion of the class was the most nerve-wracking part of this experience, but overall, it was not bad. As expected, I was the youngest person in our group of around ten people. The person instructing the class was someone I was acquainted with because he had handed out awards to me at past tournaments. Everyone there was super respectful and it was honestly an awesome learning experience and environment. I bonded with an archery mom who knew close to nothing about the sport before taking the class. It was amazing to be able to bond and help each other through the experience. There were some lessons we had to run by ourselves, which was anxiety-inducing for me. But luckily I was surrounded by a great group of people who were very supportive and helped me through everything.
I decided to get NASP® instructor-certified while I was still competing in NASP®. I’m not sure how many other archers have done this, but I would love to hear of any stories similar to mine. I plan to use my certification for these upcoming years to coach my team. I feel extremely grateful to have this opportunity to stay connected with my team, as they have become close to family at this point. If you are a current archer considering taking the class to become a certified coach, DO IT! It is such a huge accomplishment to achieve at a young age and truly shows your dedication to the sport. There was a fee to partake in the class, but you may be able to work something out with the head of your team to see if they would pay for you.
Overall, taking part in this class made me feel very empowered. I have no regrets and I am so excited to still be a part of my team after graduation. To find classes near you, just check out this link and pick your state!