Sept 21, 2022
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is pleased to announce the launch of the National Archery in the Schools Program.
The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP®), promotes instruction in international-style target archery as an in-school program for students fourth grade through high school, typically taught as part of a Physical Education class over the course of two weeks. In addition, archery can also be incorporated into other classes and subject matter throughout the school day such as history, language, and art.
“Archery is a sport accessible to anyone,” said DEM NASP® RI Program Coordinator Branton Elleman. “Since its inception two decades ago, NASP® has safely helped students learn skills required to be successful both in the classroom and in life, such as focus, self-control, discipline, and patience. With a standardized set of lessons and equipment put to use during school hours and opportunities for scholastic tournaments and post-secondary scholarships, NASP® also opens the door to competitive sport for those who never found their place in ‘traditional’ athletic pursuits. While DEM has always promoted archery as a safe, accessible sport and hobby, we are excited to be partnering with the NASP® organization to offer this opportunity to Rhode Island teachers and schools.”
“On behalf of our entire NASP® team, we are delighted for the great days ahead for Rhode Island student-archers in grades 4-12. We know that the positive impact that has already occurred with 20 million other lives, will be replicated there as well!”, said NASP® President Tommy Floyd said. “We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management to make Rhode
Island our 48th NASP® state. NASP® is absolutely committed to making this new partnership grow and expand as schools discover the many benefits of in-school archery. Welcome Rhode Island NASP®!”
With Rhode Island now included, NASP® operates in 48 states and much of NASP®’s success comes from the robust set of standards it operates under. The units of study were written by education, conservation, and target archery experts to meet state and national educational standards. Additionally, instructor certifications, trainings, and equipment requirements are the same across the nation, so teachers in every participating school are certified to present NASP® lessons that are safe for students, instructors, bystanders, and the facility. Archery instruction follows an easy-to-understand and easy-to-teach sequence of steps that is adaptive for most learners and many gymnasiums can become a temporary target range in short order by hanging an arrow backstop curtain.
Wildlife conservation agencies, like DEM, typically act as the state-level link to the national NASP® initiative. For the 2022-2023 academic year, DEM is preparing to host instructor trainings for teachers and administrators interested in bringing NASP® to their schools. Additionally, DEM hopes to grow a lending program where NASP®-approved archery equipment may be loaned to schools who may not be able to purchase their own equipment with their own resources. Teachers and/or school administration interested in learning more about NASP® and upcoming trainings should contact Branton Elleman at or 401-575-6331.
DEM is able to bring programs like NASP to Rhode Islanders through support from The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration program (WSFR).
For more information about DEM divisions and programs, visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@RhodeIslandDEM), or Instagram (@rhodeisland.dem) for timely updates.
Jay Wegimont, DEM: 401-302-8316